Follow up work reminders

Need more work? Set-up a reminder for future work
Written by Johann Oberholzer
Updated 3 years ago

What are follow-up reminders in Sole?

Sole allows you to schedule reminders for future work. There are two options available:

  1. Sole can send the reminder only to you, giving you the ability to personally follow up with your client
  2. Sole can send a professional reminder to your customers automatically to help you secure more work without lifting a finger

Why would I want to schedule a reminder?

When you are doing a job for your customer, you may like to schedule a reminder for follow-up work in the future.

For example if you have just installed an aircon and you know that it will require maintenance in a year, Sole will help you remember to follow up with your client (either automatically or send you a notification).

What does your customer receive?

When you select to include a reminder for future work in a new invoice, your customer will receive the invoice only on the creation date.

Note: Your client will not know that the reminder has been scheduled

When the reminder date arrives, you and your customer will receive a notification containing the wording you have selected, along with the invoice description of the original service/product.

How do I schedule a reminder?

  • When you create a new invoice for work delivered to your customers, you will be presented with the option to enable a follow up work reminder. Select the slider to ‘on’ to allow this functionality.

  • Select the notification date on which you would like the reminder to be sent.
  • Create your customised personalised message for inclusion in the reminder. It is important to note that this messaging will be included within the body of the reminder that is sent to your customer. You can check the look and feel of your message in the notification prior to scheduling to your customer using the ‘preview’ function.
  • Select whether you would like to be notified, or whether you would also like Sole to schedule an automated reminder to your customer.
  • Finalise the remainder of your invoice and you’re good to go!

How to set up a ‘follow-up work’ reminder on an invoice

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