An asset is property you own and use for your business - either purchased or already owned
How to create an asset using your Sole App
There are two primary methods to add an asset to your Sole App.
1. From within your side bar menu, select 'Assets' to be taken to your business view:
You will then be able to add an asset using the "+" symbol in the bottom right of the My Assets screen.
2. Select Create Expense/Asset on the Dashboard under your quick link tiles:
Following this, you will be presented with the 'Upload Asset' screen, through which you can add the primary details associated with your new asset.
Note: Make sure that the slider is set to 'Asset', otherwise, you will be creating an expense.
Note: If you select 'Paid with cash?' as yes, Sole will expect that you have paid for this asset with physical cash. If you do not select this option, you will have the ability to reconcile bank feed transactions against this asset record to balance your books.